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The idea behind creation of this repository is to have next core features when creating a new project:

  • Dependencies on which almost every application relies (orientation, localization, navigation, environments .etc)
  • Configured TypeScript
  • Configured ESLint with strict set of rules and plugins
  • Configured testing environment (Storybook, Jest, Detox)
  • Set of styles, components and helpers
  • Predefined popular scenarios of user behavior (including pages)
  • Documentation of before mentioned
  • Unification of application/component/style development within teams
  • A single code structure

Additionally, to before mentioned concepts, goes documentation of development processes of the way how I and community see it. It has to be a single source of information in many aspects (e.g. app publishing, splash screen creation, navigation .etc).

I strive to make this as easy as possible using the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) approach whenever possible, and when there's a case it can't be applied I'll try to document it as good as I can.

There's a lot of "I" in this section, but I'm eager to listen to community and open to new ideas and approaches.

I hope this template will help people with application development.