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Checking on updates

React Native Template Strong

You can compare the difference between your version of react-native-template-strong and the current one using compare in the GitHub repository releases

To know on what version of template your app was initially created open README file in your local repository, and you'll see Version.

When new version of react-native or react-native-navigation or typescript comes, this template will probably follow this and will be updated too as soon as possible.


Check on node and npm updates on and install current (latest features) version.


Run brew update to update Homebrew.

After run brew outdated to see outdated list of dependencies and if there are some then run brew upgrade to keep the latest versions of depedencies like watchman, adoptopenjdk11, node, fastlane and many others.

Node modules

Check on updates of node_modules of your own project to keep up with the latest releases by running npm run check-dependencies-updates. Check what's new and update if needed.

IDEs and Tools

Try to keep your primary IDEs like Android Studio, XCode, VSCode, WebStorm and tools like Flipper, Postman updated too.