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Currently, there is only a single font which is used, and it's system. It's a system font which is used on device.

Accessing fonts

To access a font in your code, you need to use fonts.ts:

export const Fonts = {
system: "System",

To use it you simply can create a style and use it like this:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
text: {
fontFamily: Fonts.system
} as TextStyle

There's also a default combination of font styles which is stored in commonStyles:

export const CommonStyles = StyleSheet.create({
normalText: {
fontFamily: Fonts.system,
fontSize: CommonSizes.font.medium,
lineHeight: CommonSizes.lineHeight.medium,
color: platformNativeColor(PlatformColorsIOS.label, PlatformColorsAndroid.primaryText),
} as TextStyle,

To use it you can simply call it like this:

      <Text style={CommonStyles.normalText} numberOfLines={1}>

Adding fonts

To add your custom fonts you need to do the following:

  • Place your .ttf or .otf font/s in resources/fonts folder
  • Run react-native link, it will add your fonts to native resources folders
  • Add your font inside Fonts
  • Rebuild your application
  • Use your newly added fonts