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Localisation is made possible by react-native-localization.


Localization file are located at /src/common/localization/localization.ts.

It has translation methods and the constant object which holds all the translations:

export const localization = {
common: new LocalizedStrings(commonLocalization),
errors: new LocalizedStrings(errorsLocalization),
empty: new LocalizedStrings(emptyLocalization),
pages: new LocalizedStrings(pagesLocalization),
onboarding: new LocalizedStrings(onboardingLocalization),

Translations itself are located in /src/common/localization/translations.

Each translation file is represented by simple constant object which holds languages as properties which hold translations strings.

Common localization:

export const commonLocalization = {
en: {
search: "Search",
selectPhoto: "Select a photo",
takePhoto: "Take a photo",
chooseFromLibrary: "Choose from library",
cancel: "Cancel",
reject: "Reject",
delete: "Delete",
back: "Back",
next: "Next",
done: "Done",
ok: "Ok",
continue: "Continue",
save: "Save",
loading: "Loading",
photo: "Photo",
yes: "Yes",
no: "No",
areYouSure: "Are you sure?",
warning: "Warning",
success: "Success",
select: "Select",
dataSuccessfullyUpdated: "Data has been successfully updated",
settings: "Settings",

It can be string or function.

Function example:

    stops: (stopsCount: number) => {
return stopsCount + (stopsCount > 1 ? " stops" : " stop");
km: (distance: string | number) => {
return distance + " km";


Import the localization constant and use needed translation string:

<Text style={CommonStyles.normalText} numberOfLines={1}>

Translations structure

The structure is pretty simple:

  • commonLocalization.ts - contains common strings like yes, no, loading etc.
  • emptyLocalization.ts - contains strings for empty cases like No data, nothing was found etc.
  • errorsLocalization.ts - contains error related strings
  • pagesLocalization.ts - contains pages, tabs, modals, overlays titles

Then there are pages specific localization strings:

  • onboardingLocalization.ts - contains strings needed for Onboarding

Add translation

Based on what your specific need is (page, common, error etc.) selected the translation file or create one if it's for a page.

If you created a file, don't forget to add it into localization constant.

Then add a translation string to every language that you have.

Default language

By default, there's only English language present in the template.

The first language which goes in translation files is going to be the default one.