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Pages constants are located in src/navigation/pages.ts.

export const Pages = {
storybook: {
name: "Storybook",
splash: {
name: "SplashScreen",
onboarding: {
name: "OnboardingScreen",
toast: {
id: "TOAST",
name: "ToastOverlay",
datePicker: {
name: "DatePickerOverlay",
tabs: {
name: "BottomTabs",
main: {
name: "MainScreen",
search: {
name: "SearchScreen",
settings: {
name: "SettingsScreen",

Pages are defined as the object which contains page names as parameters which are objects with name and id.

Here besides pages itself you add modals, overlays and other components which will be registered in navigation (i.e. registerNavigationComponent).

registerNavigationComponent - shorthand function to simplify registration of a page.

Such examples are toast and datePicker properties of Pages.

Adding pages

To add a page, simply add your own property in Pages with id and name.

Registering pages

All the pages are being registered in src/navigation/navigation.ts's registerComponents function which is being called at initialization of application.

export function registerComponents() {
if (__DEV__) {
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.storybook, StorybookUIRoot);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.splash, Splash, true);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.onboarding, Onboarding);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.main, Main);
registerNavigationComponent(, Search);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.settings, Settings);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.toast, ToastOverlay);
registerNavigationComponent(Pages.datePicker, DatePickerOverlay);

If your page or component is going to be a simple component which won't be communication with redux then you can simply register it the next way:

  registerNavigationComponent(Pages.yourPage, YourPage);

Otherwise, add a third parameter with true:

  registerNavigationComponent(Pages.yourPage, YourPage, true);

The communication with redux and usage will be explained later.

Using pages

Create a simple function component like so and describe its options if needed:

export const YourPage: NavigationFunctionComponent = (): JSX.Element => {
return <ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior={"automatic"} style={CommonStyles.flex1} />;

YourPage.options = {
topBar: {
largeTitle: {
visible: true,
searchBar: {
visible: false,
title: {
text: localization.pages.yourPage,

Try to use ScrollView as your parent component in order to have the best behavior on iOS.